Playable Characters

Immerse yourself in the roles available within the Valyrian Freehold. These roles range from the all powerful dragonlords to the lowest slave and everything in between.  

Dragonlord Families

Aergyreon Roles

Aergyreon Family

Pure Valyrian blood with characteristic Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes.


NameAgeRankRiderPlayed by:
Ikarys Aergyreon30Head of FamilyYAuburyJean
XX Aergyreon35Aunt of FamilyYOPEN
Yraemar Aergyreon27Brother to HoFYFlokiDesird
Vaelar Aergyreon24Brother to HoFYEric Hyland
Gaelys Aerygyreon24Sister to HoFYNichole Trafalgar
Vhaela Aergyreon19Sister to HoFYBloody Waifu
Vysegaera Aergyreon18Sister to HoFYIvy Amethyst
XY Aergyreon19Cousin to HoF, Daughter of XX Aergyreon (42)YOPEN
Calareon Roles

Calareon Family

Pure Valyrian blood with characteristic Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes.

NameAgeRankRiderPlayed by:
Saethe Calareon30Head of FamilyYNPC
Aemond Calareon25Brother husband to HoFYVancha Morlim
Zhacaerys Calareon32Brother to HoFNLocke Rowley
Saeryos Calareon27Brother to HoFNWayne Sivith
Aelior Calareon26Brother to HoFYNPC
Vaenyra Calareon23Sister to HoFYLailah Boucher
Daemera Calareon21Sister to HoFYSolaAnatolius
Lumyria Calareon19Sister to HoFYNeicypie
Vhcaerys Calareon18Sister to HoFYArraidia
Targaryen Roles

Targaryen Family

Pure blood with characteristic Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes

NameAgeRankRiderPlayed by:
Melkor Targaryen29Head of FamilyYArawn Beck
XX Targaryen38Aunt to HoFYOPEN
XY Targaryen40Uncle to HoFNOPEN
XX Targaryen22Sister wife to HoFNOPEN
Aelyx Targaryen25Brother to HoFNAeros Farstrider
Daenys Targaryen21Sister to HoFYAradia Mistwood
Valcoran Roles

Valcoran Family

Pure Valyrian blood with characteristic Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes


NameAgeRankRiderPlayed by:
Taeron Valcoran39Head of FamilyYKemal Omizu
Aelora Valcoran38Sisterwife 1 to HoFYPraxithe Serenity
Saenna Valcoran37Sisterwife 2 to HoFYPlumpy Bunny
Elaenya Valcoran34Sister to HoFNLiara Edring
Aelarys Valcoran23Brother to HoFYNPC
Aerax Valcoran22Brother to HoFYOrdinarybro
Rhaelyra Valcoran19Daughter of HoF and wife 1YForever Night
Saera Valcoran19Daughter of HoF and wife 2YPeachy Blossom
Yraelon Valcoran18Son of HoF and wife 1YOuroboros Morbid
Taelor Valcoran18Son of HoF and wife 2NRhiannon Nova
Lysareon Roles

Lysareon Family

Dark skinned from the southern edge of the continent


NameAgeRankRiderPlayed by:
Eileithyria Lysareon32Head of FamilyYElysium Evergarden
Xyvareth Lysareon30Sister to HoFNIlivurra Dimitriaski
Timaeus Lysareon25Half-Brother to HoFYAnadius
XY Lysareon24Brother to HoFYOPEN
XY Lysareon24Half-Brother to HoFYNPC
Aethena Lysareon26Sister to HoFYThe Mermaid
XX Lysareon26Half-Sister to HoFNOPEN (*)
Haecate Lysareon26Cousin to HoFNSamedison

Merchant Families

Malchorian Roles

Malchorian Family

Mother is from Meereen, Dark hair and tanned skin.Children are of mixed descent with mother’s tan skin and father’s Valyrian features


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Koor Malchorion42Head of FamilyOPEN
XX Malchorion née Galare40Wife to HoFOPEN
XY Malchorion22SonOPEN
Aeyella Malchorion21(triplet) DaughterGeriberry
Raegal Malchorion21(triplet) Son (*)Rei Seelowe
Valarra Malchorian21(triplet) DaughterNPC
XY Malchorion19SonNPC
Velaryon Roles

Velaryon Family

Pure Blood Valyrian. Characteristic purple eyes and gold-silver hair.

NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Jaecarys Velaryon26Head of Family (widower)Rodricus Mortensen
XX Velaryon née Daeraeris45MotherOPEN
Tim Velaryon23BrotherTimEnchanter
Lyra Velaryon19SisterCelestial Pleides
NPC Velaryon2DaughterNPC
Vartik Roles

Vartik Family

Mother Valyrian. Children are of mixed descent with a mix of mother’s Valyrian features and father’s Myrish-Rhoynish features.


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Solasta Vartik née Lysareon58Head of Family (widow)Golden Crisp
Vaella Vartik30DaughterHoney Whipple
XY Vartik28SonOPEN
Zane Vartik25SonFire Mote
XX Vartik23Daughter - twin to VaeserynOPEN
Vaeseryn Vartik23Son - twin to Vaeseryna VartikLeviathanwellington
Wyron Roles

Wyron Family

Pure Valyrian blood with characteristic Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes.

NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Tahaerys Wyron40Head of FamilyMoosieMooCarthy
Hesa Wyron née Caltheon38WifeDove Spicy
XY Wyron20(twin A) SonOPEN
XY Wyron20(twin B) SonOPEN
Aerya Wyron18(twin A) DaughterAerynna
XX Wyron18(twin B) DaughterOPEN
Bassilon Roles

Bassilon Family

Children are of mixed descent with a mix of father’s Valyrian features and mother’s Summer Islander features.


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
XY Bassilon44Head of Family (Widower)OPEN
XX Bassilon25DaughterOPEN
XX Bassilon24DaughterOPEN
Breanna Bassilon19DaughterMagnalynferguson1950
XY Bassilon18SonOPEN
Jaevon Bassilon18Nephew to HoFQuavo Lionheart

Military Families

Vibius Roles

Vibius Family

Pure blood Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes. No specific skin colour.


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Ruven Vibius43Head of FamilyOPEN
XX Vibius40Sister WifeOPEN
Jaesyn Vibius25DaughterKahlan Milasevic
Sylyx Vibius23SonNeji Hifeng
Lucenor Vibius20DaughterLucydechants
Sylla Vibius18DaughterZafira Mcknight
Celtigar Roles

Celtigar Family

Pure blood Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes. No specific skin colour.


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Godryck Celtigar29Head of FamilyGodryckthomas
XX Celtigar née Taelaenor47Mother of HoFOPEN
XY Celtigar27BrotherOPEN
Sabrina Celtigar24(Twin) SisterSabriel Warwillow
XY Celtigar24(Twin) BrotherOPEN
Sirealla Celtigar18SisterBethferland1991
Baelor Celtigar33Uncle to HoFNavnik
Daeraeris Roles

Daeraeris Family

Pure blood Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes. No specific skin colour.


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
XY Daeraeris37Head of Family (widower)OPEN
XX Daeraeris35SisterOPEN
XY Daeraeris35BrotherOPEN
Ysilla Daeraeris33SisterDelaney Jasper
XY Daeraeris19Son of HoFOPEN
XX Daeraeris18Daughter of HoFOPEN
Beraeris Roles

Beraeris Family

Pure blood Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes. No specific skin colour.

NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Vhaera Beraeris30Heat of FamilyDearly Dismantled
Lucenys Beraeris35Brother of HoFNPC
XY Beraeris48Uncle to HoFOPEN
XX Beraeris40Aunt to HoFOPEN
Helaena Beraeris26Sister to HoFNPC
Maelella Malchorian née Beraeris18Daughter of HoF (*)Baka Bunny
Esmae Beraeris22Cousin to HoFDeceased
Aeva Beraeris22Cousin to HoFRemoboone
Qarralis Roles

Qarralis Family

Pure blood Valyrian features. Silver to golden hair and purple to blue eyes. No specific skin colour.


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Malakh Qarralis25Head of Family (*)Msreachsey
Saerera Qarralis23SisterArieaya
XY Qarralis20BrotherOPEN
XY Qarralis36Uncle to HoFOPEN
XX Qarralis37Aunt to HoFOPEN
XX Qarralis18Twin cousinOPEN
XX Qarralis18Twin cousinOPEN

Brotherhood of Mages

Mages & Sorcerers


Mages can be from any walk of Valyrian life, interbred Valyrian also.


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Daemon Vorasha50Arch Mage (Sorcerer)Wolfe Deckard
Hella Valaeris26SorcererHex Starlight
Vaenessa Belaerys25SorcererSybilla Silverweb
Elaenya Valcoran34SorcererLiara Edring
Daceryon50Blood MageCatori Mitra
??39Blood MageOPEN
Daegoth35Blood MageDemon Vortex
Rhaemond Rhaenyx24Blood MageBigdripp000
Esmae Beraeris22Blood MageDearly Dismantled
Baelor Celtigar33Fire MageNavnik
Haecate Lysareon26Fire MageSamedison
Zane Vartik25Fire MageFire Mote
??20Fire MageOPEN
Jaevon Bassilon18Fire MageQuavo Lionheart
????Mage Liazon (Apprentice)OPEN
????Mage Liazon (Apprentice)OPEN
????Mage Liazon (Apprentice)OPEN
????Mage Liazon (Apprentice)OPEN
????Mage Liazon (Apprentice)OPEN

Lesser Citizens

Valyrian Freemen

Valyrian Freemen

The citizens of Valyria not considered to be noble or great. Tradesmen, merchants etc.

NameAgeFeaturesSpecialtyWealthPlayed by:
Boe Gaeltaris52Valyrain/RhoynishBlacksmithingUnknownBoeotian
Diantha Severina23ValyrianArtistUnknownMandiMilkshakes
Laena Brewer34ValyrianTavern KeepUnknownShalena Renfew


Rhoynish Delegations

Rhoynish Delegation

Stationed within Valyria, heads of city states, Rhoynish royalty.


NameAgeRankPlayed by:
Princess Sayyadina26Head of Delegation and Lead from Ny SarJetis Umia
????Ny Sar Delegate/FamilyOPEN
????Ny Sar Delegate/FamilyOPEN
Princess Nhaessa24Lead from Sar HoyXoxoabigailxoxo
Lia24Sar Hoy Delegate/FamilyViolet Nirvana
Osbeorn23Sar Hoy Delegate/FamilyTeldariad Iali
Princess Riandra22Lead from Ar NoyCristalle Karami
Darin23Ar Noy Delegate/FamilyJinx Ashley
Myria22Ar Noy Delegate/FamilyAliceoshima




Masters stationed within Valyria. Of Ghisgari descent.

NameAgePlayed by:
Astapor MasterOPEN
Master famOPEN
Master famOPEN
Master famOPEN
Yunkai MasterOPEN
Master famOPEN
Master famOPEN
Master famOPEN




They're from greater Essos.


NameAgeCulturePlayed by:
Naellys25-30Red PriestessBanana Pancake
Kaegan27RhoynishKammer Marksman
Minvara34Red PriestessDragonofdreams93
Saija25EssosianMiako Takeda
Demos Eragos32EssosianDarshe Aliev


The lowest. Captured after conquest from nearly any place in the known world. Of any culture or any race. Well spoken and gently born slaves are prized. They become tutors, scribes, bed slaves, healers, and priests.

OwnerNameAgeSpecialtyValuePlayed by:
Calareon FamilyShania18TranslatorUnknownInstantstorm

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